
Showing posts from November, 2017

A Taste of Freedom

It's been almost two weeks since I finished the first phase at Allegheny Mountain Institute. If you have been reading my blog and think AMI is a good fit for you, please apply for next year's cohort or tell people about it . It definitely changed my life for the better.  Our excitement that we are finished with Phase I (actually most of us were pretty sad to leave... So what am I doing with my 60 days of freedom? Feeling very privileged, spending time with the people I love, and exploring some of the things I've learned at AMI. ***Warning: This blog is a rant about AMI inspired activities I am doing. If you do not care about composting, healthy sodas, or the weirdness of grocery shopping, wait until next's week's blog which will be more about my feelings.*** My vacation started off with Joshua and his family. We explored Natural Bridge again with his mom, nephews and brother on a beautiful fall day. Then, we planted 40 cloves of garlic and pi