End of Phase I is Approaching

Here are a few life updates.

1. I have had some amazing visits at the farm at AMI. For my birthday weekend, Meera, Kennedy, and Josh helped me celebrate by prancing around the mountain with me. Then this past weekend my parents and Josh came up to celebrate fall with me. We had so many adventures from climbing Seneca Rocks to jamming out at the Purple Fiddle in Thomas. It was amazing to be able to share my love for this place and its food with my family.


2. In two weeks I will be leaving the most magical mountain I have ever had the privilege to get to know. On October 31, I pack my bags, and leave the first Phase of Allegheny Mountain Institute.

3. Once I leave AMI, I have two months of complete freedom before I start my second phase of the fellowship. I'm going to start that off with my amazing boyfriend and his family at his cabin. I am so looking forward to having nothing I have to do but be in love, make some lotions, and try and get as many people to vote as possible.

4. I am finally going to get to see my grandparents and the rest of my family this Thanksgiving! I feel like its been so long since I've seen my extended family and I can't wait to change that. I think that's the hardest part about living in Virginia. On top of that I get to see a concert with my brother, a show with my parents, and hopefully have a spa day with my Aunt!

Throw Back Thanksgiving to 2015 when in snowed!
5. Abbie!!! I'm going to Austin to see Abbie!

I also will probably get to go to Israel after that but don't want to get hopes too high before the tickets are booked.

Ok, now that life updates are out of the way, let me update you on what is going through this jam packed brain of mine.

How am I going to eat next year? My parents laughed when I said that, but after these past six months it has been really challenging going to the grocery store--even just for chocolate. When you are accustomed to farm fresh food and home-cooked meals that have taken 5 hours to prepare, it is really hard to go through the grocery aisles instead of the farm rows to choose food. I will probably be buying most of my food in bulk from the Harrisonburg Coop and Wade's Mill just so I don't have to deal with it...and hopefully it'll save me some money too.

How am I going to talk to people next year? I am so used to talking to the same handful of people that think the same way about the world that I do. Everyone is in agreement that the most pressing issues are that we need more environmental action, to increase the local foods movement, and to support small businesses. I thought college was a bubble, but my fellowship at AMI is an even smaller bubble. How am I supposed to be an ambassador for this kind of lifestyle and also acknowledge that everyone has their own values too?

How am I going to deal with the political situation? There is a huge pipeline that is proposed to run through most of the counties in Virginia where I have lived. This pipeline is planned to run through individually owned properties, and probably export most of the natural gas mined to other countries. How can I fight against this? How can I help others fight against this too? I am not sure yet, but I know I'll have to do something.

How will my future go after this fellowship? I have one more year left with AMI and then who knows? I know I'm excited to figure out.


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