Israel Part 1: Thinking about birthright?

It's funny--I thought with all the time over break I'd be filled with writings and musings, but I didn't really get inspired until I went to Israel. Cooking and concocting lotions is very fun, but I wasn't really learning about me.

On the contrary, after 15 days in Israel I feel quite self-reflective.
Feeling self-reflective atop of Masada in the Negev Desert

I had mixed feelings as I was driving to the airport for my Birthright experience. Birthright, is a fully-funded program for Jews from around the world to spend 10 days in Israel with ~35 Americans and ~8 Israelis to reconnect with their Jewish heritage in Israel. Many of my cousins have gone and had mixed feelings. Some experienced extreme pro-Israel propaganda, while others felt too trapped to the rigid schedule and agenda of the program to fully enjoy it.

And at first, I definitely felt that rigidity stifling my Israeli experience. Right off the plane, we ventured to Caesarea where we were in a ~2,000 year old amphitheater, and all I felt was tired. My tour guide, Menash was extremely knowledgable yet I just felt like I was in a history class, learning about crazy feats of earlier humans that did not have to do with me. Over the first two days we visited the Baha'i gardens overlooking Haifa, stayed at a beautiful Kibbutz guest house, enjoyed a very man-made hot springs resort, and looked over Mount Ben Tal in the Golan Heights overlooking Syria.

***The first picture is taken on my second day in Israel when my brain was still foggy and unable to wrap my head around where I was. One week later, I went to the same mountain with my dad and his friend with a much clearer sense of connection to Israel***

Me and my 42 new friends overlooking Jerusalem.
However, once I overcame jet lag and started to bond with my fellow trip mates, I quickly opened up to the amazing experience I was immersed in. First of all, I have been so isolated from what normal people my age do, that just hearing about each person's jobs and lifestyles was fascinating. From a retired pastry-shop owner to a ranked tennis player, I relished the opportunity to be friends with people from across the country, across careers, and still all Jews in their 20s having fun. As soon as I grew close to the Americans, we met 8 Israeli friends that all served or were serving in the Israeli army. The soldiers each had a different perspective on what it means to be fighting for the Jewish state and what they think about the Israel/Palestinian conflict. Now, having dozens of different opinions on Israel, I have even more complex views of my small country in the Middle East. Now, more than ever, I am eager to continue learning about and loving the Israeli land with all of its complexity. I was also pleasantly surprised by how controversial conversations were facilitated without pushing any specific agenda other than learning and not making assumptions or choosing sides prematurely.

My Western Wall attire, bought 8 years ago
from the Bedouins last time in Israel
I wish I could talk in detail about everything I saw over the next 6 days because it was all so incredible--tour of Tzfat, Tel Aviv Artist Market, Independence Hall, Camel Riding, sleeping in Bedouin tents, hiking Masada for sunrise, praying at the Western Wall and much much more--but alas you'll have to ask me personally to explain these experiences. Or, just go to Israel and see for yourself. If you are Jewish and under 32 its free!

Instead I'll end here by recommending Birthright to any friends who have a little over 10 days to spare. For me, the best part was having a 10 day community that I know I'll be able to rely on for the next 10 years--both throughout America and in Israel. Though that may be rivaled with the spirituality felt at the Western Wall or on the back of the camel!

After Birthright, I spent an additional 5 days with my dad and his friends and family so stay tuned on how that part of the trip opened my eyes to more of Israel and what life is like there.


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